County News
Debbie Black is the wife of Dean Black, a mother, and a grandmother. As an active member of Anchor Baptist Church, she enjoys spending her free time helping with church activities. She attended The University of Mississippi as a political science major and later joined the University as a Law School Admissions Clerk for six years. After leaving the University, she worked as an Eligibility Worker for the Mississippi Department of Human Services for eighteen years and as a Deputy Circuit Clerk for Lafayette County for six years. Debbie retired from the Lafayette County Circuit Clerk Office with thirty years of service to the State of Mississippi. In 2010 after retiring, she was appointed as the Election Commissioner for District 5 of Lafayette County and was then elected the following term. She has served as the Lafayette County District 5 Election Commissioner for twelve years.
While employed as a Deputy Circuit Clerk, Debbie developed proficiency in the Statewide Election Management System (SEMS) and gained advanced experience with elections and voter registration, which have benefited her position as Election Commissioner. With her position she receives yearly training from the Mississippi Secretary of State Office, as well as being trained in the use of all voting equipment. She served four years as Secretary of Mississippi Elections’ Commissioner Association of Mississippi (ECAM) and four years as Board Member for Congressional District 1 of ECAM. This will begin Debbie Black’s thirteenth year of dedicated service as Lafayette County District 5 Election Commissioner if re-elected.
All candidate biographies were submitted by the individual candidates. The Lafayette County Circuit Clerk’s office does not endorse any candidate.