County News
Mississippi residents with physical or mental communications impairments are now able to apply decals to their vehicle to alert law enforcement to their health condition.
This decal is placed on a license plate and on the front left corner of the vehicle’s windshield.
In order to receive this decal, the resident must have a condition that impairs their communication for five years. Verification is required from a licensed Mississippi physician or psychologist that states the applicant has a physical or mental health condition that impairs their ability to communicate with law enforcement.
Who is eligible?
Any legal resident of the State of Mississippi who has a health condition or disability that will limit or impair their ability to effectively communicate with law enforcement for at least five years.
Do I need proof of my disability?
Yes, you will need to submit verification from a licensed Mississippi physician or psychologist that states you have a physical or mental health condition that impairs your ability to communicate with law enforcement.
Where does the decal go on my car?
The decal is placed on your vehicle’s license plate and on the front left corner of its windshield.
Where do I get a decal?
The county tax collector, who issues your usual vehicle tags, will issue the decal.
What if I get a new license plate?
You may retain your decal by applying to the tax collector on or before its expiration. You will have to resubmit the verification of your disability from a licensed Mississippi physician or psychologist upon renewal for another license plate.